Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Big Google Conspiracy

I think Google is a big conspiracy, I think it's just a big front for the CIA or one of those agencies.

Just think about it, all these huge server farms humming away, harvesting everybody's private information.

It all started innocently enough, in the beginning they were just a search engine, crawling the web and indexing the pages they would come across. Seems innocent enough, just indexing and providing easy access to info that is already posted for the world to see. (although if people are not very careful about security they can find sensitive data ending up on search engines)

apparently they weren't satisfied with all the information they were getting by indexing and caching everybody's websites so they came up with a few schemes to get even more sensitive data:
(not in any particular order)

Google desktop: apparently they couldn't get enough data from websites so now they'll also scan and index your computer for you.

Gmail: so now they're also reading everybody's email. A lot of private information there.

Google analytics: they need to know who's looking at what websites, who's buying what from whom etc.

Google Wallet: (paypall competition - coming soon) that's an easy way of getting sensitive information. Apparently they weren't getting enough of this info from adsense / adwords.

google calendar: they need to know our schedules also.

Picasa: just names are not enough for them, gotta put a face to those names

google maps / google earth: gotta know where we all live.

kind of makes you wonder just how much does google really know about you?

then again does anybody really care? As long as they are providing good services, and providing them for free what do I really care if they have a bit more information about me then I would like.
(I just have to be careful not to discuss my bank robbery plans where Google is going to find them :) )

unless of course their next big thing is going to be "Google P.I." -find out anything about anybody for only $19.95

then we're all going to be in trouble.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Back from the dead....

OK, so maybe it's not long enough to call it dead, but it has been a while...

and now that I'm working full time (and then some) it's not going to get any easier.

has anybody ever tried learning a programming language in less then a week? Try that and you find much time for blogging.

a couple of small points that I was thinking about today:

1. Don't you hate when you call somebody (or get a call) and you're talking to someone other than who you thought you were talking to?

I made that mistake once when I called my mother in law and I thought it was my sister in law that answered the phone so I asked to speak to her mother...
since then I always make sure to ask who I'm talking to before I say anything stupid :)

2. Is it just me or are babies obsessed with phones? I can give my baby any phone and he's happy for hours. It doesn't matter what kind of phone, my house phone, my (flip) cell phone, my wife's cell phone, it doesn't matter either one will keep him happy longer then anything else.

I often wonder how he knows that these are all phones, they are look completely different yet he's happy with any of them. I guess babies have a special phone intuition.

well it's almost shabbos and I gotta run,
hopefully next time there'll be a shorter break between posts & I'll have a bit more time to write.

Y'all have a good shabbos (or by the time you read this I should probably be saying good voch)