Sunday, September 10, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

♦ The following is something I recieved in an email describing this article on
(If somebody can please translate this into english for me I would appreciate it.)
"This is a pretty good article on the subject of retrocausality, which is focusing almost entirely on the quantum wave/particle duality aspect.
The article nicely avoids stating anything exists in a kind of quasi undecided state (not wave nor particle), so it fits in with the transactional interpretation which is best suited to accommodating bicausality and reverse causality."

♦ Since when do they schedule these things? I would think people would be smart enough not to get on those flights.

♦ Ever wonder what chasidishe Shaigitz keeps himself busy with when he's not writing posts? I was looking through his computer the other night and I came across a picture of his fridge. now I understand... (this is the real deal, not something I found on the internet)

♦ A warning label from something I was putting together the other day: "Warning: screw tips are sharp" gee, I'm glad they pointed that out. I always thought objects with pointed tips were blunt.


OK, fine, so I didn't get it completely right in my last post on the subject, apparently I either misunderstood the phrase or heard it being used incorrectly. However, most of what I said still stands, though I need to change it from "makes absolutely no sense at all" to "Using a terrible example worded in a way which doesn't make much sense"
("Anonymous" kinda stole my thunder on this one in his (her?) comment on the previous post (I guess I shouldn't have waited so long before posting this) but I'll go ahead anyhow)

so what does "You cant have your cake and eat it too" actually mean?
To quote a couple of comments from the previous post:
" haven't you ever found a cake that was too pretty to eat? On the other hand, you want to eat it?"
"It means that you can't have two things which are mutually incompatible. Hence, "you can't have your cake and eat it too" - either you eat it, or you have it -but not both."

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I see a really good looking cake I'm thinking "That looks good! I gotta get me a piece of that cake" I'm definitely not thinking how terrible it is to no longer have such a pretty cake, -as I said in the previous post- what am I going to do with it? Frame it and hang it on the wall? At the very worst I might think "that's a nice cake, what a pity" but to want to keep it? No.

I think we see a difference between Men & Women's thinking here. (I think I'm cutting into Chasidishe Shaigitz's action here)

"Anonymous" pointed out those fancy cakes which don't get touched at L'chaims. But she (or is it he? I think I need to go with "It" to play it safe) missed part of it: at the end of the L'chaim they usually take those cakes from the women's side and bring them over to the men's side where they usually get at least partially eaten.
I always assumed that the reason they don't get touched on the women's side is that the women are all thinking "That cake looks so good, I would love to have a piece. But I cant have it 'cuz I'll gain to much weight"
apparently I was wrong.
It seems only half of them are thinking that.
The other half are thinking "That cake looks so good, I wish I could have a piece. But I can't -that cake is simply too pretty to be eaten"
Then it gets brought over to the men's side where (at least some of) the man seem to thinking "That cake looks good, I think I'll have a piece"

Of course I'm not talking about a cake which looks beautiful but looks like it tastes horrible. In that case I wouldn't want to eat it. However, the saying still wouldn't fit because here you only want to keep the cake, you don't want to eat it.

In other words this is a very bad example to illustrate the point of not being able to have 2 mutually incompatible things.
Either I want to eat it or I want to keep it, not both.
(or is it that a guy wants to eat it and a girl wants to keep it?)
A better example would be "you cant spend your money and invest it too" now that makes sense.

If you really insist on using cake as an example at least say it in a way that actually expresses the point (which doesn't make much sense) that you're trying to make: "You cant eat you're cake and keep it too"

Whatever you do, just don't try investing your cake or eating your money.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Oops, forgot a picture...

Mendy, this one is just for you.
I even managed to get a picture of a bird at the grand canyon.
unfortunately i couldnt get a picture of it yawning.

Good old days...

Chasidishe shaigitz is bringing back some good memories of times gone by....
I'm feeling inspired to post some pics of some old road trips...

(I still need to post a follow-up to my previous post. but thats just going to have to wait.)

Badlands National Park, South Dakota. summer '04.
I love this picture.

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. summer '04

Wind Cave NP, South Dakota. spring '04

Yellowstone NP, summer '04

Yellowstone NP, spring '04 (notice the snow?)
Could somebody Please explain this sign to me?

Yosemite, spring '04

Sedona, AZ. spring '05

The Grand Canyon, spring '05

Mount Rushmore, Summer '04

Glacier National Park, Montana, Summer '04

More Glacier NP...

Still More Glacier NP

And I thought this would just take like five minutes... Yeah right. Its like impossible to decide which pictures to post... I'll have to post some more pics soon...
Anywho, that was one serious, hardcore roadtrip back in the summer of '04.
I wish I could do that again...