Sunday, July 08, 2007

Puppies are Biodegradable

I couldn't let an entire year go by without posting... I figured there's no better time to start then now...
(to CS and Wires: believe me now? I told you I'd get around to it one of these weeks!)

My sister was telling me about her shabbos in Philadelphia, apparently they have something there called "First Friday". On the first friday night of very month there's some big shindig in some artsy neighborhood where all the art galleries are open late friday evening and lots of people come hang out , look at the art etc. (after a quick search on google I see that it's not just philly, there seems to be a lot of these things going on) The local Chabad House sets up shop in the Jewish art gallery where they provide people with the opportunity to light Shabbos candles, hear kiddush, have a shabbos meal etc.
first of all, as my sister is telling me all this I'm thinking to myself "something is just not quite right with this name 'First Friday'" for some reason it seems to me to sound kind of christian. Apparently I was confusing it with "good friday" or more likely this is what you get when you mix good friday with the last supper. maybe we should throw in the second coming for good luck...
Anywho, on to the point. It seems that this event attracts a lot of the vegetarian environmentalist-animal rights-wackos, the following is an excerpt of a conversation my sister had with one of them: (why do i always miss all the fun)
"How can you eat that [the chicken]? it used to be alive"
"so? it's dead now. -and it tastes good!"
"yeah, but don't you feel bad? I mean it used to be alive"
"what about you? do you eat fish?"
"well how could you? it used to be alive! don't you feel bad"
"no but its not the same because... [I forgot the excuse]"
"so what? it still used to be alive"
Typical. pick and choose when your self righteous rules apply and when not. Then go and complain when you find someone who doesn't follow them the way you like...

on to the biodegradable puppies: one of the galleries had an exhibit called "Puppies are biodegradable" some animal rights wacko exhibit about saving some dogs (or something like that). To be honest, I don't really have anything to say about the exhibit but as soon as I heard that name I decided it was going to be the title of my next post.

if it wasn't so late and I wasn't so tired and this post wasn't already so long I would go into a whole rant about animal rights wackos. but as it stands it's late, I'm tired and this post is already too long so I'm going to have to leave it for another time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"(to CS and Wires: believe me now? I told you I'd get around to it one of these weeks!)"

weeks, weeks he says!!!!!!!!!!
more like months ;)

anywho a big welcome back

July 09, 2007 1:31 AM  

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