Saturday, May 06, 2006

Thieving Mechanics 2

Why do Mechanics have such a bad rap? Or a more fitting question: why are most mechanics thieves, giving them their bad rap?

I always figured it was because they're dealing with people who know so little about their product so it's easy to get away with practicably anything.

Lately I've been thinking about it (uh oh!) and I realized there has to be more than that. There are plenty of professions where the repairmen / technicians are dealing with people who know virtually nothing about their product.

Take a computer technician for example. I would imagine most people who call computer techs for simple problems don't know their RAM from their ROM from their CPU, in other words they have no clue whets in that box thingy that the monitor is plugged into. I'm sure an unscrupulous tech could convince a customer who only needs some very basic maintenance to upgrade his RAM.

How about a plumber? How many people actually know how their plumbing works? What's to stop a plumber from robbing their customers blind?

So why is it that auto mechanics are a bunch of thieves? Are unscrupulous people attracted to this profession?

They say the reason pharmacists need so much schooling is in order to decipher doctors' handwriting. I think in mechanic school they teach you how to rob people.


Blogger in8paradox said...

The famous joke about doctors' handwriting is, that its so sloppy 'cuz it always says the same thing: I made my money, now u make urs!

May 07, 2006 1:16 AM  
Blogger kasamba said...

I think it's because;
They teach automotive skills in juvie.
They can tinker around under the hood and most people have no clue what they're doing.
They know that it's lucrative to hold your car hostage because they know you're gonna pay whatever they ask to ransom it.

May 07, 2006 4:42 PM  
Blogger FrumGirl said...

They do seem like a sleazy bunch. Perhaps,like you say, it speaks to a certain "demographic". And what Kasamba says makes sense too!

May 07, 2006 5:28 PM  
Blogger Nemo said...

Hey, you can find unscrupulous folks in all sorts of proffesions. Doctors, lawyers, computer technician and even plumbers!!!

I guess it's just easier to imagine a filthy guy with his cover-alls, hands and face covered in grease as being a dirty robber.

Everyone robs. Just that some make it look good and slick.

May 07, 2006 8:02 PM  
Blogger Faye Spalter said...

there is a phone scam kinda thing where a mechanic calls a girl (who knows nothing about cars) and tells her how she'll need 6 tires just in case 2 blow out. and just for backup she should get an extra transmission. it's hysterical. you just remnded me of that...

May 10, 2006 5:26 PM  
Blogger Renegade said...

kasamba: That explains how they could get away with it, but they aren't the only ones who could get away with it if they want, why does it seem that only the mechanics are all crooked.

Nemo: of course there are unscrupulous folks in every profession, my is that by mechanics it's the rule, not the exception.

Splatt: that's hillarious.

May 11, 2006 12:08 AM  
Blogger Eli Sp. said...

splatt: you left out the 75 for installing the free car lighter...

May 11, 2006 10:22 PM  

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