Old men & dirty jokes

I was considering writing about the elections in CH (for some reason the title really seems to fit these elections) but I decided to hold off on that for a while.
Why is it that old men seem to think that dirty jokes are appropriate for any crowd and occasion? Why does it seem that it's always old men telling inappropriate jokes in the wrong time and place?
why do I bring this up now?
I was at a party in a fancy treif restaurant yesterday, (that could be a whole post in of itself, maybe later if I have the time) standing in a room full of people the average age of whom must've been at least 75. After about 45 seconds in the room, just as despair is about to set in, just as I start thinking "Oh no, what am I doing here? How am I possibly going to make it through this party?" I turn around and my eyes light up, "you know what?" I begin to think "I may just make it through this party after all" I was standing right next to the bar.
After driving the bartender crazy to see all the mixes and juices to see what's kosher, I finally settle on a vodka with cranberry juice. My smile only got bigger as I watched him mix my drink. It started with a big glass of ice (the kind they usually put by your place setting for your water, not the little ones they usually use for the cocktails) which was filled with about 4/5 grey goose and 1/5 juice. The bartender told me it might be a bit strong, I may want to dilute it a bit more. I thought that was a good idea so I quickly drank about 1/4 of the cup to make room for some more juice.
--- I interupt to describe the scene in my apartment: I'm sitting on the couch, wearing the hearing protection i usualy use for shooting, typing this on my laptop. my apartment probably has a maximum legal capacity of like 6 people, there must be at least 25 brothers & sisters in-law and cousins etc. who are in town for the party in here. ---
Getting back to the point of this whole story: I'm standing by the bar after about 2 of those drinks and having been introduced to a whole bunch of people who I don't remember (I'm pretty sure one of the guys was named Monty) and I'm talking to some old guy (I don't remember his name) and he asked me to tell him a Jewish joke. I told him a joke I happened to have read earlier that day, he then proceeded to tell me what would best be described as an x-rated joke.
Now why would this guy think I wanted to hear that joke? Isn't there a time and place for everything? It's not like we were a couple of guys standing over the keg at a frat party.
why do old men seem to think that It's always the right time and place for a dirty joke? Why does it seem that it's always an old man who makes the inappropriate jokes and comments? I'm not talking about a slip of the tongue or making a comment or joke which was overheard by somebody who shouldn't have heard it. That's a whole different parshah.
Do people simply lose their sensitivity when they grow old? Do they simply forget that there a concept of decency? Maybe people just stop caring when they get old.
I doubt it's related to aging because the older women are always telling their husbands off for saying inappropriate things. "oh Ed, hush it, there are children here"
Maybe there is a special gene in men which makes their minds turn dirty when they get old, makes them forget that some content is not suitable for all ages and situations.
Maybe it's just my imagination, maybe its not always the old guys, maybe the same guys who were grub when they were young remain grub when they get old.
Maybe it just seems like it's always an old men because it sticks out more when coming from an old man. Maybe it's just because we expect more from somebody that old, we think that with so many years of life experiences under their belts they would wizen up a bit.
Then again maybe not.
I also noticed the lack of sensitivity displyed by older men when it comes to inappropriate jokes. Oh well, as my Daddy always says, 'Ignorance can be fixed but stupidity is forever.'
Which incidentally, I quoted on my MeMe.
Consider yourself tagged!!!
tagged already? wow, now i almost feel like a 'real' blogger!
I guess I'll see what i can come up with...
why does this remind me of shimshon stock?
Dude you should see what goes on at the shul I work at this year - not just the old men tell "innocent" bochurim dirty jokes ;)!
Welcome to the blog world :).
da: lol! I guess he feeds the theory of it just being grub people getting old.
jb: I'm not saying old men are the only ones who tell dirty jokes. it just seems to only be the old men who have no discretion as to when and where to tell them.
thanks for the kind welcome!
Ever hear and old Israeli man joke? They're terribly corny or sarcastic, they don't make a lot of sense, and they get the biggest kick out of introducing an "unknowing Charedi" kid to their prude reality.
ha! as i was readin this post, my brain lights (huh what are those?) were flashing-israeli humor! arsim! old israeli geezers! tzachtzachim!-....
I think the filter that filters what we say wears out when we get old, or maybe he’s trying to sound hip and young by telling a joke which, should be, out of character.
"Some people don't think and say something stupid, smurf you think of something stupid to say!"
URI 2005
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i think it's simpler than that;
when a person gets older, he stops giving a darn what people think.
so, if he'd always refrained from telling dirty jokes b/c of what peoople think, but he still has a dirty mind, there comes a time when he just says, heck who gives a hoot what they think.
but if the guy never said dirty jokes b/c he doesn't have a one-track mind, you'll never hear one outta him, no matter his age.
i remember that party!! grandpa actually told me a really gross joke at that party....lol;)
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